Friday, July 18, 2008

What has Melissa been up to?

Besides doing the impossible everyday, sometimes more than once I manage to get a few other things done around here. I may not be a body builder, and there may be clothes that need to be folded but I manage to get a few things done.
Here is a day in the life of Melissa:

  • Wake at 3am--Emma doesn't like to sleep in yet. Feed Emma, put her back to sleep. Try to fall back to sleep or just give in, wake up and start the day.
  • 6am both girls are up. Nurse. Change 2 diapers, go for a quick walk around the neighborhood, change 2 diapers again.
  • 8am Feed them homemade baby food, yes, I actually find time to do that, keep reading. Change 2 diapers again.
  • 9am girls lay down for morning nap--I get to work, I have to make labels for my Mothers of Multiples Club and I have a theatre program that I am working on for Elk River Community Theatre's production of Oliver! Take 6 phones calls either from parents of children in the show, other board members, or artistic staff. Read an email from the stroller company explaining that it is not their fault that they were misrepresented on the walmart website and that I should contact Walmart again. I do, I send off a very carefully worded email expressing my disapointment.
  • 10:30am Hannah finally wakes up, she has been really enjoying the relaxed summer schedule. Sit down with Hannah while she eats breakfast to talk and read scriptures.
  • About 10:50am the girls wake up, feed baby cereal, green beans, and bananas. Wipe girls down, and give them some toys to play with while Hannah and I make baby food. Take the vegetables and fruits out of the fridge that I had cooked yesterday during nap time. Puree peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears, carrots, and bananas in the Smoothie maker blender and pour each into ice cube trays to freeze. Girls are ready to nurse, so I sit down for a little bit to do that.
  • After eating, playing while I made baby food, the girls are ready for a nap at about 1:30pm. I get to work again. Hannah goes out to play with some neighbor kids and run through the sprinkler. The Oliver! program is still very pressing, it is 20 pages long. I answer a few email about ads and biographies in the program, then type like crazy! Hannah wants to work on her blog so I stop for a little bit and pop the frozen baby food cubes out of the trays and into bags that I label & date. The phone rings and the tickets are ready for the show and I need to get them picked up and delivered to the bank, and also the Lions representative.
  • 3:15 The girls wake up, nurse and we hit the road at about 4pm. It takes a while to load the diaper bag. The babies are carried to the car one at a time, buckled in, and away we go. We make it to the printers. I call to drop off the tickets and I also stop to pick up some names from the director of the show to be included in the program.
  • 5:00 Hannah wants to learn how to make fajitas so she helps me get things going and we set the table. Where is Daddy??!!!
  • 5:45 The girls get hungry so I nurse them. They get to eat their babyfood with us at dinner.
  • 6:15 Nathan gets home late, so dinner is getting over cooked. I ask him to stir it, he comes in after deadheading his roses and a bunch of other things outside. It is the girls' 7th month birthday so I get them all dressed up in cute outfits, make the sign on the computer, and take pictures.
  • 6:30 Dinner finally can be eaten now, urgh!
  • 6:45 I leave for Mothers of Multiples meeting. Lots of crazy drama there. Us moms put so much pressure on ourselves.
  • 10:00 arrive home to feed the girls and help Nathan get them put to sleep.
  • 11:30 Finally done, now I check my email to see if there are any messages related to work, volunteering, etc. Check my friends' blogs to see how they are doing.
  • 12:00 Read my scriptures, say prayers, then try to go to sleep, lots of stuff rolling around in my head--tomorrow is going to be a busy day, I need sleep.
  • 3:00am start all over again!

1 comment:

Ahnah said...

Me thinks you run on Energizer batteries. I am tired of thinking about all of that.