Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mothers and Fathers

Let me just start by saying I love my husband more than any other person in the whole wide world. I can really see why children are meant to have two parents--because we compliment each other and it is hard to grow up without both "mom" and "dad". Today I nursed the girls, did "tummy time", sang a few songs, talked and brought them to the crib and laid them down. Usually they lay down all smiles, coo a little, and do a few little whines and protest cries and fall right to sleep. Today was different in that I woke the girls up at 7:15 so they could have a better set point to start the day. They have been waking up at 8 or later so Nathan has been long gone to work by the time we finish with our morning routine. The girls did the usual little murmurs and whines and Daddy, trying to give me a helpful hand, went in to see what they needed. Boy-o-boy! Did they love that! "Someone came in for our little whimpers" That began a morning of "wait a minute, we whined and you came in, NOW COME BACK!" and lots of "We want to play with Daddy, PLEEEEEEASE COME BACK!"

If you know me at all, you know that I have worked this morning thing down to a complete science, so you can imagine the words that I had waiting for my husband when he came out of the nursery. (Deep Breaths Melissa, it is only one morning, He was trying to help.) I am just grateful that my husband takes part in parenting our children. I am grateful that we have three, count'em, three little girls! Our Father in Heaven knows just what we need, and I needed this lesson today--Be grateful for your husband. I Love you Nathan!

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