Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If you are tired, please raise your hand!

Me! You may be wondering why I am up at 2:07 am blogging when I hardly get any sleep. Here in lies the problem, my fragmented sleep schedule is catching up with me and I am now suffering from insomnia. I get into bed and lay there after getting up to take care of the girls for 30-60 minutes. I lay there and think about EVERYTHING! My husband can't figure me out, he is one of those people that can be woken up out of a sound sleep, get up to do something for 3 minutes and then fall back to sleep in a matter of seconds. God bless him! I, on the other hand, think about why someone said "that", or what should I have done, or what should I make for dinner, or Oh that's right I need to call so-and-so, or do you think the babies need to move to size two diapers? Just everything, so much so that I decided this particular morning to sit down for a second and just get some of it out and then go lay down. (you are getting very sleepy, very sleepy) Mother's day is just around the corner and I am really looking forward to it. I went from being a mother of 1 to a mother of 3 in such a short time. (you are getting very sleepy, very sleepy) I prayed, hoped, and waited for this blessing for so long, 8 years, and now I finally have it. (you are getting very sleepy, very sleepy) I am very blessed, both to be a mother and now to be sleepy....(yawn) Goodnight...

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